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Religious Studies eTextbooks:
A Modest Experiment

Get the low-down on religious
studies eTextbooks.

While there will always be a place for printed books, digital publication has many advantages over printed texts in the classroom. With an ebook you can:

  • Access the vast resources of the Internet directly from within the text itself
  • Read through each chapter quickly or explore those topics that interest you in more depth by clicking on the embedded links
  • Enjoy learning as a multimedia experience. Ever hear a printed book play music or read itself aloud to you?
  • View full-color high-resolution images, maps, diagrams and charts
  • Instantly find the information you want anywhere in the text using powerful search facilities
  • Be sure the information you are reading is as up to date as it can be

A course text book should be flexible, updatable, and provide a wide range of pedagogic resources. The digital medium is more suited than paper to meeting these requirements. In an environment where students increasingly turn to the internet as their resource of first choice we think it makes sense to place the learning medium itself in a digital format from the outset, creating for the first time a seamless web of knowledge between the text book and other learning resources.

The Co-Editor of JBE Online Books
has published a memoir:

An American Buddhist Life: Memoirs of a Modern Dharma Pioneer by Charles Prebish (book cover)

Memoirs of a Modern
Dharma Pioneer

By Charles S. Prebish

Toronto: The Sumeru Press Inc., 2011
ISBN 978-1-896559-09-4

For the publisher's full publicity notice,
click here.

The book can be purchased at or

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